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Students are required to study the subjects of Mathematics, Science, Social Studies/History, English, Art, Computer Science and Physical Education according to guidelines provided by the New York State Education Department.  Arabic Language, Islamic Studies and Quran are also incorporated into the curriculum.

Homework and various other assignments are given to clarify concepts and reinforce the lesson taught in class.  Homework helps foster good work habits, punctuality, and student responsibility for quality work.  Homework is assigned on a daily basis.  Homework is normally due the next school day and is in an integral component of a student’s grade.  Parents are urged to establish study hours at home during the week.

Tests and Quizzes
Regular testing is essential for evaluation.  Teachers observe a regular schedule of tests/quizzes.  Students who are absent on the day of a test for genuine reason will have an opportunity to make up the test.

State Exams, Regents, & AP Testing
Crescent School participates in the New York State Testing Program.  State exams in the subjects of English Language Arts, Mathematics, Science, and Social Studies are administered during the year to different grades.  Notifications of such exams will be sent home to the parents whose children will be tested.  Crescent School adequately prepares students for these exams by using curriculum frameworks, supplemental materials and other resources.

Regents examinations are administered to high school students in January and June according to the annual NYSED schedule.  High School students must take and pass a set number of regents exams in order to receive their Regents High School Diploma.

Awards and Honors
Crescent School hosts chapters of the National Honor Society (9-12) and Junior National Honor Society. Succesful students in grades 6-12 who meet the requirements are recognized in a special induction ceremony each year. Students who have shown exceptional academic performance, citizenship, and service to the school are also recognized and honored at the Crescent School’s Annual Awards Day at the close of the school year in late June.

Academic Integrity
Honesty and integrity in academic matters is essential in order to ensure that knowledge is transmitted effectively.  More importantly, Islam places the utmost importance upon being truthful in all aspects of life.  When a student cheats or copies the work of others, they not only prevent themselves from gaining the benefit of education, but they also steal the rights of others.

Academic dishonesty is defined as the intentional using or giving of unauthorized aid on any work for which a grade is earned.  Disciplinary action is taken when students are involved in this behavior.  (See Code of Conduct)


Sr. Rubab Qureshi– Grades 6 – 11

Sr. Samah Ali
Sr. Saira Asif
Sr. Aswita Tazir
Imam Ahmadullah Kamal

Sr. Rahnuma Islam

Sr. Aswita Tazir
Sr. Saira Asif
Imam Ahmadullah Kamal


Ms. Emily Tom  (AP Honors & Regents)
Sr. Monifaa Matthew — Grades 8 & 9

Sr. Zahra Hassan — Regents & Calculus
Sr. Sadiha Anwar — Middle School
Sr. Saadia Faisal — Middle School

Sr. Iffat Ahmed — Regents Chemistry& Earth Science, Physics, Grade 6
Sr. Manal Hedawy– Living Environments, Environmental Science, Health, Grade 7

Sr. Farhana Buiyan — Grade 6 World History
Br. Takbir– Grade 7-12  American History, Regents Global History, Regents US History
