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Q: Where is Crescent School?
A: Crescent School is located in Hempstead, NY. It falls within Nassau County on Long Island.

Q: Will my child get a bus?
A: If you live within 15 miles of Crescent School, your home school district will provide transportation at no cost. You must contact your home school district before April 1st to secure busing. There is no relationship between bus companies and Crescent School.

Q: What is the history of Crescent School?
A: Crescent School was established in 1991 by a group of dedicated Muslims whose goal was to provide the top education in an Islamic environment to the future leaders of our Ummah. Our first location utilized the Islamic Center of Long Island facility in Westbury, NY. We moved to our permanent home in Hempstead, NY in 2003.

Q: Is Crescent School registered with the New York State Department of Education?
A: Yes. Crescent School is registered as a KG to grade 12 independent parochial school. Our high school is also registered as a formal, high school facility approved by the New York State Department of Education to grant Regents diplomas.

Q: What subjects are taught at Crescent School?
A: English, Social Studies, Math, Science, Quran, Islam, Arabic, Art and Physical Education are offered to all grades. Other special electives classes are offered to the high school grades. There is no Hifz program at Crescent School.

Q: What curriculum does Crescent School follow?
A: Crescent School’s curriculum is aligned with the New York State Department of Education curriculum. Students in Grades 3-8 take State Exams. High School students are required to take and pass Regents Examinations. Some AP Courses are also offered.

Q: What facilities does Crescent School provide?
A:    • Large, spacious classrooms with attached bathrooms
        • Multi-purpose/lunch room with prayer area
        • Formal multi-media library
        • Fully equipped computer lab
        • Science lab
        • Outdoor playground

Our school is currently undergoing a major construction project that will equip our school with a full-size gymnasium and additional classrooms and science labs.

Q: Do we hire Certified Teachers?
A: Yes. 90% of our subject teachers are certified. When a teaching candidate does not have NYS certification, the school makes sure that the teacher has earned a college degree in his/her subject area. Our teachers undergo regular development at the school and at other training workshops during the school year.

Q: What about textbooks?
A: Residents of Long Island receive their textbooks for free from their home school district. Textbooks must be applied for each year by the parent from the school district. Residents from NYC receive some textbooks from Crescent School and must purchase the remaining textbooks independently.

Q: Are there any special activities for students?
A:    • The school newsletter (“The Crescent Times”)
        • National Honor Society
        • Peer Mentoring & Tutoring
        • Science Fair
        • Speech Competition
        • Art Fair
        • School plays
        • Field trips
        • Box Tops for Education Competition
        • Daily Dhuhr Salah
        • Morning Dua and Assembly
        • School-wide poetry contests
        • New York Times Classroom Education Programs
        • Boys Basketball Team (competes in Muslim Youth Basketball League)

Q: Is there an after-school program?
A: No. Currently, we do not have the resources to fund such programs, but as the school grows, we hope to have one.

Q: Does Crescent School offer Special Education?
A: No, we do not have the framework and services in place to offer a Special Education Program.

Q: What about Registration and tuition?
A: For registration and tuition please call Crescent School.
